Apointment Options
Payment Options

We believe that high quality Little Smiles Dental care should be comfortably affordable to our patients. Financial consideration should not be an obstacle to having optimum oral health, attractive smiles, and feeling good about your child's appearance and level of self-esteem. Yet, we are sensitive to the fact that everyone's financial situation is different. For this reason, we offer a variety of payment options to meet your needs.

Basic Guidelines

All fees are due at the time of treatment. There are charges for all returned checks and broken appointments. NO EXCEPTIONS. A 1.5% monthly service charge will be added to all outstanding accounts (18% APR).
Accounts with a 60 day balance are sent to a collection agency. All expenses related to the collection of fees and past due balances, including attorney's fees and court costs, will be paid by the person(s) financially responsible for this account.

Cash or Check

We offer an 8% prepayment book-keeper's courtesy for all treatment over $1,000 paid in full prior to treatment.

Monthly Credit Card Installments

Pre-authorization can be arranged to charge your account on a specific day each month through "VISA EASY PAY." No interest will be charged if the payment schedule is followed.
We can offer you the opportunity to apply for a "Dental Charge Card" that will allow you no initial down payment, immediate treatment, and small monthly payments spread out over a long period of time. This leaves your other credit cards available for other purchases and offers an interest-free option. This allows many families to meet their monthly budgets. Ask us for an application.

For Your Convenience

We are now accepting PPO, HMO, and Compbenefit plans. Please call 305-698-7566 so a staff member can assist you with any insurance questions.

Credit Cards
(Visa/MasterCard/American Express)

We offer a 5% prepayment book-keeper's courtesy for all treatment over $1,000 paid in full prior to treatment (not to exceed card's credit limit).

Payment by Appointment

This is a line of credit extended by our office that requires an initial down payment and that the balance be paid in equal installments spread over the number of visits required for treatment. This is our most popular option.


We understand the value of dental insurance to our patients and will assist with any insurance questions that you may have. Our experienced insurance team is available to assist you during office hours.

Broken or Canceled Appointments

There will be no charge for changes in appointments if we are given 24 hours notice (48 hours on "no school" days). Should you fail to contact us, there is a charge of $75 (or the current prevailing rate) per visit for the missed appointment time.

Contact Form

If you have any questions, please fill out the form below and one of our frindly staff will contact you.

Scheduling Guidelines

With pediatric dentistry and orthodontics both available at Little Smiles Dental, we have many requests for after school appointments. Naturally, we are unable to accommodate all requests, no matter how hard we try.

  • • We do our best to reserve after school appointment for our older patients, understanding that an absence is more likely to affect their grades and education than that of a younger student.


  • • It has been our experience that morning appointments are much more successful for children under age 5 than an afternoon appointment. We strongly recommend morning visits for these young patients, when they are more alert, less tired, and in a more positive frame of mind.

  • • There are certain dental procedures that will ONLY be performed during morning appointments, regardless of age. Children requiring behavior modification techniques that involve extra time or extra staff will be asked to make morning appointments for the benefit of the child. Some orthodontic and long cosmetic procedures also require morning appointments.

If you are asked to make a morning appointment, it is because we believe it is in the best interest of your child and will provide your child with the best possible care. We want to make scheduling as convenient as possible and in order to do this, we ask for cooperation and understanding on the part of ALL of our patients and families.


If an emergency occurs during regular office hours, we will make sure that your child is seen as soon as possible that same day.

If an emergency occurs during off hours, your call will be handled most efficiently. Please be sure to explain to our answering service that you have an EMERGENCY. Explain the nature of the emergency and give your telephone number. Please LEAVE YOUR PHONE LINE OPEN so that we may return your call promptly!

Appointments and "I'll be a little late"

The appointment system is what makes our office run smoothly for both patients and staff. We schedule an appropriate amount of time for each patient, and we take pride in staying on schedule and preventing unnecessary time spent waiting.

  • • If you know you are going to be more than ten minutes late, please call before you come, as it may be necessary to reschedule your child. By rescheduling, we’ll be able to make sure we can give your child our full attention and be considerate to all patients and parents.

  • • If you find you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please call us in advance! We’ll be able to reschedule your child and possibly fill that appointment time with another patient in need of care. We do not charge a fee for appointments canceled 24 hours (48 hours on "no school" days) or more before the appointment time.

  • • Please be aware, a missed appointment without notifying the office in advance, will be charged a minimum $75 fee (or the current prevailing rate) for the missed appointment time.